Ko etahi atu hua
Whānuitia te kounga o te parahi waea waea parahi waea
Ko te waea parahi he momo momo waea parahi. Ko te roto o te waea ka hangaia ki te parahi kounga teitei, ka pai ake te whakapai ake i nga mahi whakahaere o te waea parahi. Ko te waho o te waea parahi ka hangaia ki te rapa-kounga nui, me te whakamahi kirihou pai-kounga rite te paparanga o waho ka tino kaha te noho o te waea, a he tino pai hoki nga taonga ngoikore. He pai nga taputapu miihini a Brass me te kirihou pai i roto i te ahua wera.
Pika Pipe Brass Power Tube H62 C28000 C44300 C68700 C68700 Piki Piki
Putorino parahi, he momo paipa whakarewa kore, he putorino me te kukume i te putorino. Ko nga paipa parahi he kaha, he kaha te aukati, te hanga i nga kai-pitihana mo nga kai-pitihana hou ki te whakauru i nga paipa wai, whakawera me te whakamahana i nga putorino o nga whare noho. Ko nga paipa parahi ko nga putorino wai pai rawa atu.
H62 H65 H70 H85 H85 H90 Te kounga o te Puhi Nui o Haina
Ko te pereti parahi he parahi nui e whakamahia whānuitia ana. He pai nga taonga miihini me te miihini pai. It can withstand hot and cold pressure processing. It is used in various structural parts for cutting and stamping processing, such as gaskets and liners. Set etc. Tin brass plate has high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, and good pressure processability under cold and hot conditions. It can be used for corrosion-resistant parts on ships and parts and conduits in contact with steam, oil and other media.
Silicon Bronze Waea
1.He tukatuka waea 1.BRunze waea mai i te tino-kounga me te kounga o te parahi me te taonga zinc RAW.
2. Ko te kaha o tona kaha ka whakawhirinaki ki te kowhiringa o nga taonga whakakorekore me nga maimoatanga wera me nga tukanga tuhi.
3. Ko te parahi tetahi o nga rauemi me te whanonga teitei rawa atu, ka whakamahia hei tohu tohu mo te ine i etahi atu taonga.
Ka whakatauhia e te whare te whakapakaritanga whakakotahitanga me te kaha o te kaha o te kaha, me te kounga o te mata, me te kounga o te hua.
Ko te Pouaka Pouri teitei
He kaha te kaha, he ngawari, he kakahu ano te aukati, a he nui te aukati i te hau, te wai hou, te wai moana me etahi waikawa. Ka taea te uru, te hau te hau, kaore e ngawari ki te pahua, ka taea te tu tonu o te pehanga i te makariri, i nga ahuatanga wera ranei. Ko te tukatuka, kaore e taea te tineia me te makariri.
He rod parakore kounga teitei
Ko te tokotoko parahi (parahi) te nuinga o nga rawa o te whare miihini-kore e whakamahia ana. It has excellent turning properties, medium tensile strength, is not prone to dezincification, and has acceptable corrosion resistance to seawater and salt water. Ko te tokotoko parahi (parahi) te nuinga o nga rawa o te whare miihini-kore e whakamahia ana. It has excellent turning properties, medium tensile strength, is not prone to dezincification, and has acceptable corrosion resistance to seawater and salt water.
Whakaritehia 99.99 Pau parahi parahi parahi parahi parahi parahi iti
Ko te pereti Bronze he hua i pai ake i te hangarau tukatuka kowiri tira. I tino whakamahia i roto i nga tau tata nei na te painga o ona painga i tua atu o te mahinga kowiri tira me ona tae hua. Ko te hua o te pepa parahi-kore-aukati, a ka taea e te tukanga whakaputa te painga o te hua o te kowiri tira.
Ko nga hua hoko wera e pa ana ki te Wild Conductor Conductor 99.9% te waea parahi parahi parakore
Welding Wire ER70S-6 (SG2) is a copper coated low alloy steel wire shielded by 100% CO2 with all position welding. He tino pai te mahi a te waea me te kaha ki te tarai. The weld metal on the base metal. It has low blowhole sensitivity.
Ko te kounga o te konupora parahi ka taea te whakakii mo te hikohiko parahi parahi
He pai nga taonga miihini pai, he kirihou pai i roto i te ahua wera, he pai te miihini, he ngawari te muka, he aukati, he koretake hoki.
Copper tube is also called purple copper tube. He momo whakarewa whakarewa kore-iti, he putorino me te kukume i te paipa ngoikore. Ko nga putorino parahi kei roto i nga ahuatanga o te whakahaere hiko me te waiariki. Ko ratou nga mea nui mo nga taputapu haangai me nga taputapu mo te taputapu hiko, a kua waiho hei whiringa tuatahi mo nga kaikirimana hou, ki te whakamahana i nga piihi hiko. Ko nga paipa parahi he kaha te aukati i te aukati, kaore i te ngawari ki te tauhohenga matū me etahi matū, ka ngawari ki te piko.
C10100 C10200 Free-Oxygen Copper Rod i roto i te Stock Ship Ship Bar Palper Balper Tere Tere Whakapaahia te Rod parahi whero
Ko te Rod Copper e tohu ana ki te tokotoko parahi totika e tangohia ana, e kumea ana ranei. There are many types of copper rods, including red copper rods, brass rods, bronze rods and white copper rods. Ko nga momo momo momo momo parahi he rereke nga tukanga hangahanga me nga ahuatanga rereke. Copper rod forming processes include extrusion, rolling, continuous casting, drawing, etc.